Seis Kamimura

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EATS: Wiener Schnitzel Recipe

Like Kaiserschmarrn which I shared with you a few days ago, Wiener Schnitzel is another iconic Vienesse dish and a great dinner recipe.  This dinner recipe is a favorite because you have that delicious deep fried crispiness on the outside and the nice tender meat on the inside. Wiener Schnitzel is versatile because you can make it using chicken, as a I do here, or with pork cutlets or the most traditional for this Viennese classic is to use veal cutlets. Whatever you use, it needs to be boneless. So, grab whatever cutlets you have on hand and let’s get started!

Wiener Schnitzel Ingredients

  • 4 (6 ounce) chicken breasts, boneless and skinless. Cut each chicken breast in half, through the middle, so that you’re working with 8 cutlets. 

  • 3 1/5 cups panko bread crumbs, run through food processor for a finer crumb

  • 3 large eggs, room temperature, beaten with 2 Tablespoons of water

  • 1 cup of all purpose flour

  • kosher salt

  • pepper

  • approximately 6 cups of high heat oil (canola, avocado, grape seed, etc.)

  • 1/2 cup flat leafed parsley, chopped

  • 8 lemon wedges (one per cutlet)

Wiener Schnitzel Instructions

  • First cover each cutlet of chicken breast with plastic wrap. Using a meat mallet (or a heavy frying pan if you do not have a mallet), pound the cutlet to about 1/4 of an inch

  • Remove the cutlets from the plastic. Season each side with salt and pepper.

  • Place the flour, eggs, and panko bread crumbs in three separate shallow bowls.

  • Dredge the cutlets one at a time. First in the flour. Then in the eggs, allowing excess liquid to drip off before finally dredged in the panko bread crumbs.

  • In a large skillet, heat 1/2 inch of oil until it reaches 350 degrees. Add the dredged cutlets to the skillet and cook over high heat. Note: Do not overlap cutlets.  Cook only as many cutlets at a time as fit a single layer in your skillet.   After about 3-4 minutes, turn the cutlets to cook on the other side for another 3-4 minutes.  Your cutlet should be golden brown and crispy.

  • Once your cutlets are cooked, drain excess oil onto a paper towel.

  • Plate your wiener schnitzel and garnish with fresh parsley and squeeze the juice of one lemon wedge per cutlet over the Wiener Schnitzel. When I was a Chef at Spago in Beverly Hills we would serve with a warm German potato salad which is a great side for this dish.