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EATS: Making Kefir

EATS: Making Kefir

I'm really into balancing delicious food with conscientious choices that enhance my health and wellness. Lately, I'm really into Kefir because I can feel its positive effects on my body.  If you don't know, Kefir is simply a fermented milk made with a culture of yeasts and (good) bacteria. It has a tangy taste and is similar to yogurt in that regard. Kefir is a probiotic and a great source of protein, calcium, vitamin B12, riboflavin (B2), magnesium and vitamin D. Basically, kefir is delicious and healthy! It makes great quick and healthy breakfast. You can drink it plain or sometimes I like to make a smoothie and add some frozen berries, and flax seeds for an additional boost. 

Because I'm really into kefir lately, I got excited when I saw a starter kit at Whole Foods.  I wanted to give it a try and I like to be as involved as possible in the process of producing the food that I put into my body. Ok, this instructional video on how to make kefir is super simple.  Using the starter I take you through the steps of making kefir at home. I didn't mention it on the video but I do add honey just before I blend for a little sweetness.  Honey is a great immunity booster, use local for maximum health benefits!

Sustainable Eating: How to go Organic

Sustainable Eating: How to go Organic

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