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EATS: Stove Top Pizza Recipe

EATS: Stove Top Pizza Recipe

This stove top pizza recipe has saved me. As you know, pizza is my kryptonite and shelter in place has me really craving and desperately missing all my favorite NYC pizza spots. As I’ve mentioned before, I am sheltering in place sans oven. This means that even a frozen pizza is a no-go for me at the moment. Needing a good pizza fix, I decided to give stove top pizza a try. I’m actually really thrilled with how it turned out. Without exaggeration I can say that this stove top pizza is one of the best pizzas I have ever had.

I have to give a lot of the credit to my buddy Chef Anthony. When I decided to make a stove top pizza I knew that a great crust would be the key. Anthony, like me, is a pizza aficionado. We go back and forth recommending pizza places, taking hours of travel time on our days off just to try another great pizza pie. So, I reached out to him and asked for his best pizza dough recipe. The recipe is time intensive but well worth it. It is simple to execute but you have to respect the process. Begin to prepare your pizza dough the morning before you plan to make your stove top pizza. It requires many hours of resting between the refrigerator and room temp before it’s ready to go. When cooking over a stove top, the result of this crust is a cross between a classic New York slice and Neapolitan pizza. It easily achieves a nice char and has the perfect air pockets.

My favorite pizza is a classic pizza Margherita so for toppings I did a simple tomato basil puree (pre-made recommendation in the recipe below), some mozzarella (I used shredded so it would cook properly on the stove top), and some fresh basil. As with any pizza, you can choose whatever toppings you prefer. Tomorrow night (Westworld night! That plus beach walks, forest hikes, and cooking are as exciting as quarantine life gets) we’re making this stove top pizza with fillets of anchovies in olive oil and hot sauce. Looking forward to that.

Excited for you to give this stove top pizza recipe a try. I think it’ll blow you away and it’s a great option to satisfy your pizza craving no matter the circumstances.

Key Tip: The key tip for this stove top pizza recipe is to be sure that your pan is very hot before placing the pizza dough inside. Do not over stretch or pull your pizza dough because you want those nice air pockets that give it the perfect texture.

Scroll down for the full recipe, photo of the charred crust, and the instructional video.

Stove Top Pizza Dough Recipe

  • 3 cups of all purpose flour + 1 Tablespoon

  • 1 cup water

  • 1/2 teaspoon yeast

  • 2 teaspoons kosher salt


  • Combine the water with the yeast and allow to dissolve. Mix to be sure it has fully dissolved

  • Add 3 cups of flour

  • knead the pizza dough and add salt while kneading

  • spread flour on flat surface and form the pizza dough into four balls. Lightly flour each ball

  • cover pizza dough balls and place in refrigerator for 6 hours

  • remove pizza dough from the refrigerator and let sit in room temperature for 8 hours

  • return pizza dough balls to the refrigerator for 4 hours

  • remove and sit at room temperature for two hours

Stove Top Pizza Topping Suggestions

  • Tomato sauce (I do not get paid to promote them but I used Mutti tomato puree with basil and it is really tasty)

  • Shredded mozzarella

  • fresh basil leaves

Stove Top Pizza Instructions

  • Place a large non-stick pan on high heat. Allow to pan to heat up.

  • Using a little bit of flour, stretch the pizza dough with your hands, pulling at the edges for an even circle

  • place pizza dough into the heated pan. Cook one side until it is bubbly with some brown/black char marks

  • flip the pizza crust.

  • add toppings

  • cover and allow to cook until the reverse side is bubbly with char marks and the cheese is melted

  • transfer pizza from the stove top to your serving dish/cutting board. allow to cool and serve!

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