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NYC Coffee Guide: Bluestone Lane

NYC Coffee Guide: Bluestone Lane

Bluestone Lane Coffee brings Australian coffee culture to NYC {as well as in Philadelphia, California, and D.C.} through their coffee shops and cafes.  So authentic of Australian culture, their menu even offers vegemite toast! The first time I had Bluestone Lane Coffee was in 2017 while I was attending the NYC Coffee Convention in Chelsea. I was passing by Bluestone booth towards the end of my tour and after having sampled many cups of coffee.  I thought I was done for the day but Lynette told me that they produce a great cup of coffee and we should definitely snag one.  I asked for their signature drink and the barista gave me the a flat white.  If you haven't had/or heard of the flat white, it is espresso with micro foam steamed milk.   It has a very smooth finish.  I was sold.  It was a solid cup of coffee and one worthy of inclusion in the NYC coffee guide. 

As promised I wanted to include in my NYC coffee guide a place where you could enjoy a great cup of coffee and also grab a bite to eat.  My kids accuse me of being a snob because I snub pretty much all fast food.  I tell them I respect my body too much for a drive-through burger or taco and they roll their eyes.  That being said, like everyone, I often need a quick bite to eat.  When my time is limited it's nice to combine getting my coffee and a healthy breakfast or lunch in the same transaction. Bluestone lane has coffee shops and cafes and both have a great selection of healthy food. If you have time for a longer brunch or midday meeting, go to the sit down cafe.  If you're in a rush you can go to the coffee shop and still get in a nice meal. 

Below is a large flat white, a macchiato, their signature avocado smash (heaps of chunky avocado) and salmon toast.  As you can see, Bluestone Lane uses a hearty toast and doesn't skimp on the toppings. For this post I went to the Madison Avenue coffee shop which is more pick up and go or stand at the bar by the window and enjoy than it is sit down. You can see the packaging is appealing and easy to transport.

They also offer sweet and savory breakfast bowls ranging from $6-$12 giving you a healthy and affordable lunch option. You can pick up directly from the shelf making it even more appealing when you need to dine in a rush. Sometimes with my coffee kick I'll want a little green energy drink or a refreshing sparkling soda.  Bluestone Lane has a nice selection of to-go beverages.

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