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Paris Guide: Iconic Paris Bars

Paris Guide: Iconic Paris Bars

Iconic Paris Bars: Harry's New York Bar

Address | 5 Rue Daunou, 75002 Paris, France

If you're a fan of 007, Hemingway, or Gershwin, among others, you've probably heard of the iconic Harry's New York Bar in Paris.  Fun fact: as I write this we're just a couple of days away from Thanksgiving, and Harry's New York Bar opened on Thanksgiving Day 1911.   In Paris they don't celebrate Thanksgiving so I'm not sure why this fun fact popped up in my research, but there it is.  Harry's was born Thanksgiving Day 1911 with a wooden bar imported from my hometown, Manhattan New York.  In addition to being a famous locale for Americans in Paris (also a little nod to the story that Gershwin wrote American in Paris at Harry's), Harry's is known for inventing the Bloody Mary and, more importantly, the drink my wife and her sister always order on their "sister dates" the French 75 invented by Harry MacElhone himself.  Often they'll mix it up and order a French 76 which is the same thing, it just substitutes the gin for vodka.

So, after finishing our meal at Popolare, we walked the swanky streets of the 2nd Arrondissement to Harry's. When you enter Harry's you immediately feel at home and welcome.  It's unpretentious and the seating is comfortable.  There's a mix of tourists and locals and no music to fill awkward silences, so come prepared to talk.  All the bartenders wore jackets similar to those worn by a pharmacist which somehow made me feel that my cocktail would be excellent, definitely mixed by an expert.  We were escorted to a table in
the back.  College pennants adorn the walls so we made a fun game of finding everyone's University (or universities in the case of my wife).  Myself, I went straight from High School to Culinary School but I made an excellent spotter. Below, my wife's favorite of her alma maters, NYU.  Given the long history of Harry's and the tattered pennant at the top of the wall, I wonder whether it is the original, hanging here since 1911.

The cocktails! I ordered a Harry's pick me up and this was the only order at our table that got enthusiastic approval from our waiter.  I guess I have good taste. It was nice. Cognac, orange juice, grenadine, cointreau and champagne.  A little departure from my usual but I enjoyed it. A French 75 and French 76 also made it to the table.  Harry's was a fun experience.  But it was time to move on....

Iconic Paris Bars: Hemingway Bar

Address | 15 Place Vendôme, 75001 Paris, France

We walked from Harry's to our next stop, Hemingway Bar at the Ritz Paris.   A favorite of Hemingway and known because of his liberation of the Ritz Bar from the Nazis (you have to read about it, here's an article!).  It's said Hemingway celebrated the liberation of the Ritz Bar with 51 dry martinis.  Place Vendôme is beautiful and when we went Christmas trees had already been put up around the square.  Immediately on entering the Ritz you're filled with an air of elegance.  The opulent decor and dressed up guests.  We made our way through the
hotel and to Hemingway Bar.  The bar itself is very small and intimate. Again, there was no music playing so it is up to you and your drinking companions to fill the silence.

The menu was quite extensive, as you can see from above.  Be prepared, the cocktails are priced rather high.  That being said, I have never had as good of a cocktail as was served at Hemingway Bar.   I ordered the Tears I cried in November (fitting enough, it being November 12th), which was kumquat infused bourbon with vermouth. It was really excellent.  You can see in the video below the beautiful etched glasses that the drinks were served in.  The ladies were especially delighted to have their cocktails served with roses.  Lynette was especially happy because she received a white rose.  White roses are her favorite flower and they are the first flowers I gave her (her sister may have helped me out on that one).  

We had an amazing night of celebration for our wedding!  I hope you enjoy this review of iconic Paris bars.  To see the interiors and more watch the video below.

Paris Guide: Breakfast at Mokonuts

Paris Guide: Breakfast at Mokonuts

Paris Guide: Pizza Popolare

Paris Guide: Pizza Popolare