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Costa Rica: Hanging Bridges and Waterfall Pools

Costa Rica: Hanging Bridges and Waterfall Pools

I just got back from an early 2 year wedding anniversary celebration in Costa Rica with my wife. This week I’m excited to share with you some travel tips for Costa Rica and some fun videos and photos of our time there. We divided our time between different places in the country and spent a few days in Quepos Manuel Antonio. On our bucket list was crossing some epic hanging bridges and swimming in the waterfalls. We choose to head to the Rainmaker Reserve and hike their hanging bridge trail. It was a lot of fun. I didn’t get great footage of some of the more breathtaking hanging bridges but you get a good idea from the video what it was like. A few tips to share that made our time on the trail epic.

  • The first rainforest hike you take in Costa Rica should be with a guide. You learn so much about what to look for and how to spot the rich eco diversity. We had a guided tour of Manuel Antonio National Park prior to venturing on our own to the Rainmaker Reserve. While on this hike, we spotted poison dart frogs, and a rich variety of plants and insects that we had just learned about.

  • Equipment. This may seem like an obvious tip, but when preparing for our trip we purchased the following items to make hiking easier: (1) water bottles, (2) hiking shoes. These are a must have item. With so much mud and steep inclines and declines you need a proper pair of hiking shoes. (3) rain jacket for that on again, off again, rain fall, (4) a lightweight backpack to carry everything, and (5) swim attire. For this hike make your swim attire a part of your outfit because there are so many opportunities to cool off in the water fall pools. Towards the end of the hike we ditched clothes altogether and completed the hike in our swim wear.

Costa Rica Guide: Rainmaker Reserve

Ticket: $23 USD per person

Costa Rica: Monteverde Cloud Forest

Costa Rica: Monteverde Cloud Forest

Seattle Guide: Eats

Seattle Guide: Eats