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EATS: Brussels Sprouts Three Ways

EATS: Brussels Sprouts Three Ways

In the midst of the madness of preparing for the possibility of quarantine, cancelled school days, and navigating through the shelves of vanishing stock at Costco and Trader Joe’s, I think we need a break from COVID-19 and to take a moment to focus on something comforting. For me, and for you, my readers, what better to think about than food and creativity in the kitchen.

Today I was thinking of some of the items I’ve stocked up on and the various ways each ingredient can be prepared to keep it interesting and tasty. Awhile ago a follower, Jennifer, requested that I show some ways to prepare her favorite vegetable, Brussels sprouts. It was a fun time in the kitchen preparing Brussels sprouts three ways and so I thought I would share the original video and talk Brussels sprouts with you and how to get the most flavor out of them.

To start, it’s useful to understand what flavors pair well with Brussels sprouts. Some of the best compliments to Brussels sprouts include ginger which you can grate over a slaw and eat fresh or cook into your Brussels sprout saute. Brussels sprout go well into a curry. Bacon. Need I say more. Likely you’ve had the Brussels sprouts with bacon combo at a Thanksgiving dinner. Chili flakes, acid (fresh lemon or lime juice, vinegar), nuts (I think especially macadamia nuts) and honey all pair really nicely with Brussels sprouts and balance out their flavor.

In terms of ways to prepare them, these are three of my favorites and each option is really simple but gives you an entirely different culinary experience.

1. Brussels Sprouts Slaw

  • 1 pound shredded Brussels Sprouts

  • 1/2 cup Apple Cider Vinegar

  • 1/4 cup Olive Oil

  • Salt (to taste)

  • Pepper (to taste)

  • 1 Tablespoon Honey

  • 1/2 cup nuts (almonds, macadamia nuts, walnuts)

  • 1/2 cup Dried Cranberries (you could also use dried cherries)

  • 1/2 cup shredded carrots and/or shredded red cabbage

2. Brussels sprouts quartered + roasted with olive oil

  • Quartered Brussels Sprouts

  • Olive Oil

  • Salt

  • Pepper

  • Optional: Bacon, ginger, chili flakes, garlic

3. Fried Brussels Sprouts

  • Peel the leaves of the Brussels sprouts into individual pieces

  • Fry in Olive Oil with salt and pepper until crisp

    Have you tried any of these? Which is your favorite? Tell me that and how else you use this versatile vegetable in the comments below.


    Chef Seis

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